What makes a writer a success
Released on = December 3, 2005, 12:29 pm
Press Release Author = Author/Mario S. Fedele
Industry = Entertainment
Press Release Summary = Having a large legion of readers, of course.
Press Release Body = A writer may have the eloquence of a Shakespeare, the gift of a Dickens, the skills of a Stephen King, or the imagination of a JK Rowling. But if their work is not read and instead remains sitting on bookshelves gathering dust, that writer has no chance to rise to greatness. It is only when those copies are snatched up, taken home and eagerly read, then talked about as the wondrous works they are, that the writer may claim to have reached the ranks of greatness.
Mario S. Fedele, dear reader, is a novice writer and finds himself at the bottom end of the success scale. His book is not even available at bookstores. So, there's no chance for it to gather dust. But there's also no hope of it being read, and that keeps him further from the reaches of greatness. The book, however, is readily and easily available, since it's listed on countless online stores. Getting a hold of one is just a few keystrokes away! What's more, the book is a thrilling and entertaining read. Titled, "Stories for a Stormy Night, Vol. 1," it consists of two novellas, which ooze of originality and imagination (to rival the "Harry Potter" series by JK Rowling), and are action-packed from beginning to end (finding a comparable likeness to the "Goosebumps" series by RL Stine). There are even valued lessons that these stories offer up. So that is more reason why they should be read. One will walk away feeling not only greatly entertained, but will also be most appreciative for having picked up some important pointers in our daily struggles with life.
Take a chance, dear reader. Try a copy today and make Mario S. Fedele the well-read author that he wishes to be. To learn more about him and view samples of his work, make sure to visit his website at: http://www.freewebs.com/mario5o/
Web Site = http://www.freewebs.com/mario5o/
Contact Details = Mario S. Fedele http://www.freewebs.com/mario5o/
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